Mohair South Africa

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Buffelshoek Farmworkers Training

The Wheatlands Sportsgrounds was a hive of activity on 12 July as 41 farmworkers from the surrounding area arrived for training. Sanmarie Vermaak addressed the need on how to manage wages and draw up budgets and valuable Social Development training - alcohol and drug abuse, domestic violence etc.

Beauty Mokgwamme presented mohair classing to the farmworkers as this has been identified as a skill that is in short supply and needs to be mastered. Everyone was given the chance to class mohair samples, and they did very well! André Viviers from OVK guided the farmworkers through a practical session, showing them how to handle Angora goats correctly while Sanmarie covered the basics of animal health.

It’s an enormous privilege to share our knowledge and passion for our Angora goats with some of the most important people on the farms. The farmworkers’ appreciation for training days are overwhelming and I want to thank our producers for making time for their farmworkers to attend.

If there are any of our branches that would like to request training for their farmworkers, please contact Sanmarie (on 0792367823 or to arrange a training day in your area.